Well-being canoe day


You will experience a day on a beautiful river, learn some canoeing basics and enjoy a delicious outdoor meal together with your colleagues. The questions ‘What gives you energy and what keeps you in the flow?’ will accompany us during the day. You can look forward to fun river adventure and interesting discussions with your colleagues.

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Prioritization workshop


Long to do lists, more and more tasks you have to take on, and a lot of stakeholders you need to satisfy - that’s an enormous challenge! Prioritisation seems to be a logical step, but what does it mean to prioritize and how can you do that effectively?

The workshop from teampact.ch aims at exactly answering this and giving you a hand to master your to do’s. In the interactive workshop we will: -Analyze which metrics we use for prioritization -Get to know tools for effective prioritization -Understand the differences between planning and reality

We are looking forward to seeing you there. We will help you to tackle your tasks not only in an efficient, but also in a sustainable way. See you soon!

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Do you want to contribute and discuss your ideas on how to foster scientific excellence and well-being? Come and enjoy a weekend full of team spirit, discussions, cooking, bonfires, open space and more with your peers.

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Hands-On Research Skills


The publication lifecycle is at the heart of scientific work. It starts with generating and managing ideas, via finding related work, to focusing on specific research questions and finally writing a paper. Paper writing itself is a form of storytelling targeting fellow peers and researchers to communicate your findings and inspire new ideas. In this workshop series, we will guide you through this process in five sessions. We encourage you to attend the complete series, and to bring your own rough ideas which you will develop into a concrete plan for a paper over the course of the workshops. In particular, we will discuss how to construct a paper based on all its components, how to form a storyline, and how to create a timeline for your writing. To round off the series, we will dedicate a session on critiquing papers and discuss best-practices for science ethics. We are looking forward to combining active discussions with senior researchers, exchange with your peers and hands-on exercises to structure your next paper.

The workshop series is a collab between the ETH AI Center and VMI. The 5 sessions will have the following topics:

How to generate and manage ideas?

May 5, 15:00-17:00, Facilitator: Alexander Viand and Tobias Grosser

May 12, 15:00-17:00, Facilitator: Florian Meier and Tobias Grosser

How to sketch and demonstrate a research idea? How to come up with a research question?

May 19, 15:00-17:00, Facilitator: Menna El-Assady and Matilda Backendal

How to write a paper?

June 2, 15:00-17:00, Facilitator: Menna El-Assady

How to review a paper? And Ethics in Science

June 9, 15:00-17:00, Facilitator: Menna El-Assady


Sign-up here: Registration. No registration fee.

Who can participate?

D-INFK members and other researchers

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